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As we were preparing to release more information on Drummond’s shady history from previous companies under his directorship, we were alerted to the fact that Drummond had made a police report which saw a Gametech whistleblower arrested, but the investigation was later dropped. Did Drummond lie in his allegations? Why were no charges brought?

We understand from several sources that Drummond has previously made similar false allegations to the police when attempting to silence those who speak out against him but the police have never taken any action against Drummond for perverting the course of justice or wasting police time. Why not? Because Drummond has a Wikipedia page that he created himself?

Let’s look at his Wikipedia page’s history ordered by “oldest” first:

As you can see, user “Jason7477” created the page at 10:53 on 22 September 2013, with user “NoSelfPromotion” making the immediate contributions. Both of these users have only ever contributed to Drummond’s page. The immediately following edits were made by user “Jason7477” (whose only edits are also to the Jason Drummond page), and they gradually increase in length.

In the end, Drummond created his own Wikipedia page, which is the first result in Google when investors or anyone else searches for him, making it seem as if he is a credible entrepreneur.

When the investigation into the whistleblower started, Drummond sent around various emails, sometimes copying in the police and aiming to discredit the whistleblower to take your attention away from these publications.

Drummond sent the following email to investors:

Unfortunately, it’s likely that you have received phishing emails purporting to be from me when in fact they are not.

The companies Google Workspace Account (gmail, contacts, and documents), LinkedIn, and domain accounts have been hacked and under a concerted cyber-attack since 7 August by an ex-senior employee and consultant to the company who left our employment in May 2023.

There is an ongoing police investigation by the UK Cyber Crime Unit, and National Crime Agency who are Investigating this attack as a Cyber Crime and live extortion attempt.

Please disregard these emails and block the follow email addresses and domains; and

His motivation is financial, and there is no merit in his allegations. If you are a shareholder, I will be sending further information in due course.

Kind regards, Jason Drummond

Gaming Technologies UK and US

Jason Drummond, CEO

On October 3 2023, Google notified us that that under “data protection law in Europe, Google can no longer show one or more pages from your site in Google Search results” and that this was “due to a request under the data protection law in Europe”.

Why did Jason Kingsley Drummond try to hide the website? If it’s all without merit as he claims, then there’s no need to hide. A public statement would surely suffice to bring clarity to all of these “allegations” (which are supported with evidence and are therefore actually facts).

The request ultimately backfired after it was disputed by several people of being in the public interest and Google still indexes the website to this day. The website is neither defamatory nor untruthful.

What is Jason Drummond doing?

  • He doesn’t want to answer why GMGT was delisted from OTC, or why he filed a Form 15 without notifying the shareholders.
  • He doesn’t want to explain the $18,000,000+ disappearance across GMGT and Gametech UK.
  • He doesn’t want to explain how GMGT has millions of dollars of debt and why those debts were never paid despite the company having received some $10m of investment.
  • He doesn’t want to explain why several material debts in GMGT were never disclosed in filings.
  • He doesn’t want to explain how most of his previous companies have mysteriously ended up in the same position as GMGT.
  • He doesn’t want to explain his associations with individuals both wanted and prosecuted in connection with investor fraud.
  • Drummond’s only goal appears to be to discredit whistleblowers and to deflect your attention from the facts.

Regardless of the whistleblowers, as an investor, supplier, or staff member of GMGT who has lost money, your only question should be “where has the money gone?”.

Even if the information published on this website was as false and unreliable as Drummond claims, it is still a fact that that anyone can see from the filing history that GMGT has no money and no staff beyond its “CEO”, who has been invoicing the company for his “salary” of over $1,400,000 USD in four years (see section “F-20” on the 2021/2022 10-K, and section “F-17” on the 2019/2020 10-K).

GMGT has been delisted from OTCQB and from OTC Pink onto the Expert Market, where it flagged as “dark or defunct” and its value sits at $0.001:

How does that happen? Why did Gametech UK Limited go into administration shortly after it failed to list on AIM? How did the same director manage to buy Gametech UK’s assets and go on to list the company on a public market in another country where it mysteriously failed again?

There are too many questions to be answered by the man who never lies:

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  1. You’re not much better than him, Julian. You threw people under the bus for your own personal gain. Now suddenly you’re the victim.

    1. Gaslight much? What specifically did I have to gain from throwing anyone under the bus? Why don’t you email me directly if you have something to say to me? I’m sure you have my email address.

  2. May I suggest a link to this illuminating piece of research be sent to the healthcare/medical correspondents of every major UK and international newspaper….Times, Telegraph, Guardian, Mail, Independent, New York Times, Wall St Journal, The Economist. When Drummond tries to pitch his story to them they will know the sort of person they are dealing with

  3. I have only one word of advice in relation to Jason Drummond, advice which I so wish someone had given me at the right time:

  4. Is this some sort of bad joke? Drummond is a conman….plain and simple.
    I am shocked that he has not been interviewed under caution.

  5. Are you serious? This guy with his appalling record will have access to confidential medical records.